Eliminate Fart Odor – Pets and Humans Both

Eliminate Fart Odor from Pets and Humans. Finally a Safe and effective way to eliminate embarrassing odors. We have discovered the solution that everyone, even the pets needs. If you own a pet you need this for sure. I had a Jack Russel and my husband renamed him Pooter, you can guess why. For some reason if we were in a car, he wanted to sit on my lap and hang his head out the window. I was glad the window was rolled down. I needed this product at the time, because is was really bad at times.

See Here How: Eliminate Fart Odor with this simple and easy to use solution:

This works for all you pets and Yes, family members. Keep this on hand so no one is offended or embarrassed. It has happened to all of us! We are in retail business and there are days where we need this so we will not be offensive to our customers, however sometimes it’s them and I wish I could just tell them face to face about it. I don’t want to run them off so I suffer in silence. They are probably already embarrassed enough without me saying anything.

Stop (with easy to use solution) the Embarrassing Stink of Dog Farts , give it as a gift to all you pet owner friends. Maybe they will laugh, but they will be glade you shared it with them.

eliminate fart odor

We are country people and our dogs run all over our property. They hunt and kill pest, such as skunks and then they roll all over the hides. They stink so bad. You can’t always pet them or you would smell just like them. Our Jack Russell, I called him Fido and Hopper, was our most favorite dog and he was a killing machine. He kept all the armadillos, possums and raccoons away and had battle scares to prove it.

I think he was the happiest at these times except for us giving him attention. Even though he stunk from the dead animals, his dog farts were the worst! My husband even changed his name to Pooter like I mentioned before, because of his fart odor. I wish I would have know about this solution. I know now and I am glad! No more stinky moments at our home parties and any other occasion we have. See more Here

Humans and Dogs are alike when it comes to bodily functions, we all need to release gas! Dogs can’t be discrete like humans and they fart at the worst time. Now it is said that what they eat, their diet could be an issue, but they are going to eat what they kill or can find and drag up! Our property is big enough that they will not get ran over so they have the freedom to run and play and…Hunt/kill. We feed our dogs well and take them to the vet for all their health needs.

It could be quite comical at times and Fido would fart and then tilt his head to the side like he knew what he just did. This product can work for Humans also and my husband could use this. He always thinks it so funny when either of them do it and I happen to walk by. He is sixty-two and he still laughs like a mischievous child. They are both adorable and I love them both even though they are ornery and can be very smelly.

As Our pets and well ourselves grow older Farting becomes a little harder to cover up. We need help with many different things, look below for more information about other things to help your pets and humans.

If your dog frequently has gas, it’s a good idea to review their diet and possibly consult with a veterinarian to ensure there are no underlying health issues.

Below is a list of certain foods that may cause gas in you pets:

You may be able to guess some before you even read the list, because they can cause the same problems in humans. Maybe these will help you take better care of your pets.

  1. Beans: Yes you probably guessed It, the high fiber content and carbohydrates will cause excess gas.
  2. Dairy Products: Again like humans some dogs are lactose intolerant which can lead to gas and other tummy issues.
  3. Broccoli and cauliflower: The high fiber and carbohydrate content will cause this, even though my dog will not touch these.
  4. Peas: because of their high fiber and sugar content. My dogs never touch any kind of bean. This may be the reason.
  5. Soy Products: are similar to beans in the fiber content and will cause excessive gas.
  6. Hight-Fat Foods: These foods will slow digestion down and that can cause gas.
  7. Spoiled Food: Rotten food can cause severe gas and upset stomach… My dogs are outside dogs and drag up rotten food all the time. So I can’t really stop it, that may explain why my one dog is so gasey.
  8. Foods High in Sugar: The Balance of Bacteria in the gut can lead to gas.
  9. Diet Changes: Sinmple as it sounds a sudden diet change can lead to gas problems.
  10. High Carbohydrate Foods: starchy foods like corn, wheat and other grans.

Here are some examples of when its time to Eliminate Fart Odor:

  • Family Gatherings. It is a must, With pets or people, It happens!
  • While out on a Country drive . No one needs to suffer or roll down the windows! They can enjoy the ride ODOR FREE !
  • Special Night Out.  Don’t ruin those special moments with that special someone!

To Learn more look here! you will be happy you did!


An aging pet with joint pain. See This Product here. It is for people, But it would also works for pets too! Helps an aging pet have more energy? This is for all ages of pets and for humans! See This Product here. Remember to always take care of yourself and don’t forget your pets!