Educational Fun For Kids

You have come to the right place if you are looking for Educational Fun For Kids. Keeping up with all the modern things offered for children for entertainment, why not make it educational. There is a lot of competition out there trying to steal you childs time away. They can have fun and screen time all the while learning.

The Internet and Kids Today VS. Kids of Yesterday

I one hundred percent believe kids need to be outside playing as much as possible. Lets face it they are going to be on the internet, but it can be educational and fun at the same time. Where do you start? How do you incorportate educational Fun for kids in the classroom and at home? How much time do they or should they be on the internet? These are a couple of question I hope I can answer. I will probably add a little old fashioned advise, but it still stand true for today.

I faced a different kind of problem when children were younger, in the nineties. Cellphones were not as common especially for childrena and I will include teens. Television for the vice my children look to. I did limit that as parents need to do with the internet now days.

My children attended school and there was a computer lab for about forty-five minutes a day. I was mostly for a reading class and maybe mathematics. If you were a bright student you might finish and may be get to play a game for about ten minutes. I used some software programs when I was teaching first grade for some who needed extra practice.

After School Activities

When my children came home from school they were always hungry. It was my practice to let them have a snack and maybe Television time for thirty minutes. They had to do any homework at this time and then we prepared our supper. Sometime homework lasted a long time. I would do the cooking and give help with homework as needed. We all tried to sit down for supper at the same time. I believe some of our best communication happened at the table.

When I was a stay at home mom I did most of the work around the home. After I started work, my girls were teens so they helped me more. If I cooked they washed the dishes or the other way around. After supper they would get bathed and finish homework if necessary. Sometimes they would go outside until dark and play basketball or ride their bikes. They then had about two hours left before bed time. They also went to bed with their bedroom clean.

Durring this time they would watch a movie or sometimes we would play a mystery together on the computer with dick I bought. The games had an educational twist. You had to solve many puzzles by investigating and the girls would write notes down and work for hours solving the puzzles. I would play with them and we would get stuck on a problem sometimes for days.

Times Have Changed

What I am seeing now in children across the country really distrubs me. There is a cell phone in nearly everyone’s hand from the time they are in elementary school. I am thankful to say, my grandaughter was fourteen before she was allowed to have one and it is heavily monitored. I see children at the dinner tables looking at the phone and not communicating with the family. Many stay in their rooms away from everyone.

I thought if children are going to be on the internet why not make it worth their time. So I started looking for free apps with an educational twist that would be fun. Some students need extra help and the apps make it more appealing, especailly if they have looked at texted books all day. I never really thought about Educational Fun for kids until I studies to be a teacher and realized how much fun you could make education.

Below you will see some of the apps I found and they are free to use: is an awesome site that has movement activities, learning activities and games. There is a ton so stuff on this sight. is another great place with activities up to 8th grade. Games, math, reading and videos. Kids create their own characters for this story quest app. When they complete the quest they get a prize. this app has puzzles, maps and interactive music. This is fun in the kitchen measuring and cooking.

Where’smywater app cut through dirt to send water to Swampy to him and his friends.

Bug’s2 What are they Like? A fun game and children learn about bugs!

What’s In Space? Learning all about our solar system and beyond.

How Does the Human Body work? Discover how your musles and organs work.

Code the Robot. Save the Cat Explore actions, loops, functions and conditions.

Folding Fun origami puzzle game jam-packed with brain teasers.

Spot It. Find The Difference find the differences between two pictures.

Many Resources Online

There are so many resources online. I just shared a few. They are easy to find. You can look on google or in the playstore and there are tons for free. Just pay attention to what your children are doing and make sure the site they are on is a safe place. If you are homeschooling or just looking for online learning I have a great place for you to check out. The Kindergarten classes are free. Learn more Here

If you are a teacher looking for places to use your skills or just looking to retire from public school. Maybe you have retired and would still like to teach you need to check out this place out here.

Learning can be fun no matter the age of the student. It can be fun for the educator as well. Students need to learn the basics in a fresh way. Teachers should always be looking for new inovative ways to teach. Learning should be fun. Learning is serious and we have to learn how to engage each learner. Every learner is different and learns through many different ways.